Street Pole Dancing Jam, Greenroom Arts Centre, Manchester Sept 2007

The distance between a pavement to a pole is 90 degrees and it needs foremost a mental maybe even behavioural exercise to overcome this distance.
It took some years to realize that this mediocre street furniture has great joys to offer, not only for people who utilize them as public notice boards.

Street Pole Dancing Jam, Bristol, June 2007

To facilitate an easier use of street poles, add identification stickers to appropriate poles. Paying "pole tax" to city councils towards pole maintenance might help to improve the infrastructures for Street Pole Dancing.

Stickers designed by Birgit Auf der Lauer, July 2007

Street Pole Dancing Jam, Greenroom Arts Centre, Manchester, Sep 2007

Street Pole Dancing Jam, on residence at the Centre
for Contemporary Art: Galsgow Oct 07

Some historical and cultural context

Various forms, less rough than Street Pole Dancing, like Tube Pole Dancing are possible.

Both common and Street Pole Dancing have their roots in Maypole Dancing, which can be found in the UK, Germany, France and Sweden. It's origins date back to Germanic pagan culture.
Another cultural reference for this work is Chinese Pole, which is a very athletic form of moving up and down a pole. It belongs to the acrobatic repertoire of the Chinese Circus disciplines.